Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blogs, Twitter, and Facebook, Oh My!

The Information Age is sometimes overwhelming--even for the professionals who deal with it on a daily basis. I'll be catching up on a blog and suddenly a perfect, witty, 140 character tweet pops into my head! Next thing you know I'm attempting to blog in 140 character sentences. 

Here's a way to keep track of ALL your social networking accounts: Tweetdeck, Skimmer, and Seesmic

And guess what? They're all FREE downloads!! Check out what the Wall Street Journal had to say about them for more info. 

Now you don't have any excuse to confuse your social networking accounts! 

Until next time, 

Sloane and Chelsea

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Building + Branding = Bucketfulls...of success.

We've all been there: mouth dry, palms sweaty, eyes darting around the room, feeling as if the room is getting smaller and smaller by the second, the interviewer boring holes into your head as they stare at you with pursed lips...licking your lips you try and answer the seemingly easy question: Who are you? Why choose you over other applicants? 

Whether this experience happened during an interview for President of the Glee Club in high school, a first round interview after graduating college, or attempting to land your first big client in a corporate job, we've all experienced the deafening silence that occurs once you realize you can't answer the question "who are you?". 

Don't think it's that hard of a question? Well, try this then: Quick!! List 5 things about yourself that make you YOU. 

Waiting...waiting..."Unique" doesn't count. Try again. (checks watch) Alright. Nice try. Moving on. 

In this economy you've got to have the "it" factor to make it in business, in a job interview, and basically, just in general. Once you've got it figured out it's pretty much smooth sailing. It's the figuring it out part that stumps most everyone. 

You've known yourself since Day 1, but for some reason you can't answer the simple question to move yourself forward. Here's how to un-stump yourself: Blueprint. (did you really expect me to say anything else?) 

Blueprint is all about answering the big WHO ARE YOU question. That's where we start with every single client. If figuring out how to answer that question is all you need-Great! Consider it done. We'll help you map out your past and current successes, identify common trends and concepts, and how to use those in future endeavors. Then we'll send you on your merry way. Should you need PR or design work to go along with your "brand" new view of yourself, you'll know who to call for that too. 

Once you've contacted us to make an appointment make sure you check out this article from the Wall Street Journal. They've got some good pointers about branding and using it to get ahead. 

Until next time, 

Sloane and Chelsea

Friday, April 24, 2009

Fixing Economic Crisis: Check!

I think everyone is familiar with the word 'Recession'. And 'Economic Crisis'. And 'Downturn'. Not to mention 'layoffs', 'salary freeze', and 'cutbacks'. Not one of those words makes me feel warm and happy inside...instead a scary cold and panicked feeling settles in. 

But I'm not here to deliver depressing news on top of the already gloomy circumstances. I'm here to get you revved up! Motivated! And energetic about your business! In other words, never fear, Blueprint is here! 

While reading the always trustworthy Wall Street Journal online, I came across an article titled "New and Improved". In a nutshell, it features 5 companies who were suffering from the current, situation-who-shall-not-be-named-but-it-rhymes-with-brisis, and each being a small business without an abundance of upper management, they were able to turn their marketing strategies around and find their footing again. 

It's that simple. If what you have isn't working it's time to find something that does. Maybe go back to, say, the 'blueprint' of your company...Or, better yet, call Blueprint to help you examine your strategies and come up with fresh, new, innovative ideas of how to better market your business, product, or brand. 

Let Blueprint help you with your blueprint. 

Now that we've conquered the economic crisis, moving on to world peace! 

Until next time,

Sloane and Chelsea

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Twittering, tweeting, tweet, twurped.

Yesterday someone must have Tweeted "Social media skeptic alert: PR Pros believe in social media choosing, not full on delusion. Attack!" Everywhere I turned there was an article, reference, or conversation about social media use. 

While I by no means think social media is overrated (hello...this IS a blog I'm writing on, not a typewriter) I stick by my original thought that it can be taken to a level deemed, let's say, Not Necessarily Necessary. 

Before you start waving numbers and success rates in my face, remember that I am indeed a Public Relations professional, and in this industry you HAVE to acknowledge the trends that help clients take on a new aspect of meeting their consumer and marketing needs. 

I also acknowledge when it gets carried away. I mean, do we really need to know that Ashton Kutcher is angry at his next-door neighbor's early morning construction? Maybe some of you do. But no matter your take on the subject I'm sure you'll find this take on the hype amusing.

Blog comments, tweets, and texts can wear out their welcome sometimes, wouldn't you agree? 

Now that you've had your laugh for the day, make sure to check back to our website to see how we might carefully choose the best social media aspect for you. Because if you haven't noticed, we're well in tune with the subject. 

Not had enough of social media? Check out this Wall Street Journal Article about Twitter's founders. 

Now, enough with social media for a while!

Until next time, 

Sloane and Chelsea

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Truth Behind Social Media

While reviewing PR Week I stumbled across an interesting opinion of the social media hype currently taking over the world. Twitter is obviously the current front-runner while Facebook, Myspace, Linked in, blogging, texting, and on down the list, take a close second place. 

You're aware of this already, we know. You don't live under a rock. But did you know that the current hype is actually NOT current, but ever present? 

Confused? Let me explain: Remember when computers became popular? Pagers? Cell phones? AIM? Texting? Internet on cell phones? Or more recently in the past few years, Myspace? Facebook? Gchat? And now jump all the way to Twitter.... caught on yet? 

Social Media is like an old habit that keeps popping up whenever you start to get over it. It's frustrating, isn't it? 

This article in PR Week talks about how every person, business, university, whomever, jumps on the next big thing that's considered social media development no matter what. Why? Because they're afraid they're going to get left behind, lose business, and ultimately fail. 

This isn't always the case, but it's difficult for people to determine whether or not they should invest their time and money into a new development, and they'd rather take their chances then risk losing out. 

How to get around this social media pickle? That's what we're here for! We can test, strategize, and determine which social media aspect is best for your business. You may not need the short blurbs of Twitter, but you may need the witty banter of a blog. 

Successful and savvy PR professionals know how to make their clients succeed...this is our specialty! So let us take on the Social Media frenzy while you get back to business. 

Check out the PR Week article to find out more. 

Until next time, 

Sloane and Chelsea

Monday, April 13, 2009

InPrint is in action!

Greetings Blueprint followers! 

Whether you've stumbled upon us, travelled via the Blueprint website, or referred by a trustworthy friend, give yourself a pat on the back for finding the best source for all of your Public Relation and Design needs! 

What might you need to be informed about? We'll tell you! 

-The ever changing, ever transitioning PR world of communication. When one trend takes off, another is soon to follow. Twitter, anyone? 

-What's goin' down in the town (...or, rather the big city of Dallas, Texas!) related to our clients, things YOU need to know, and whatever else you fancy. In other words, send us a quick email or comment, and we'll do our best to address your needs and questions on InPrint. 

-Blueprint information of course! We're a small and snazzy firm dedicated to the profession and we're starting off by hitting the ground running. So avoid the dust and keep up with us! 

Intrigued? Good! That's what we like to hear! We're excited to have you tag along!

Until next time,

Sloane & Chelsea