While reviewing PR Week I stumbled across an interesting opinion of the social media hype currently taking over the world. Twitter is obviously the current front-runner while Facebook, Myspace, Linked in, blogging, texting, and on down the list, take a close second place.
You're aware of this already, we know. You don't live under a rock. But did you know that the current hype is actually NOT current, but ever present?
Confused? Let me explain: Remember when computers became popular? Pagers? Cell phones? AIM? Texting? Internet on cell phones? Or more recently in the past few years, Myspace? Facebook? Gchat? And now jump all the way to Twitter.... caught on yet?
Social Media is like an old habit that keeps popping up whenever you start to get over it. It's frustrating, isn't it?
This article in PR Week talks about how every person, business, university, whomever, jumps on the next big thing that's considered social media development no matter what. Why? Because they're afraid they're going to get left behind, lose business, and ultimately fail.
This isn't always the case, but it's difficult for people to determine whether or not they should invest their time and money into a new development, and they'd rather take their chances then risk losing out.
How to get around this social media pickle? That's what we're here for! We can test, strategize, and determine which social media aspect is best for your business. You may not need the short blurbs of Twitter, but you may need the witty banter of a blog.
Successful and savvy PR professionals know how to make their clients succeed...this is our specialty! So let us take on the Social Media frenzy while you get back to business.
Until next time,
Sloane and Chelsea