If you don't know about
Daily Candy by now then you must be living under a very large rock. I wake up every morning and gleefully check my Inbox where I have emails from Daily Candy Dallas (where I live), Daily Candy Atlanta (where I'm from), Daily Candy New York (because I like to be in the know), Daily Candy Travel Deals on Tuesdays, and last, but definitely not least, Daily Candy Weekend Guide on Thursdays. It's a fabulous way to stay informed about amazing deals, delicious treats and eats, and trendy hot spots around town. If you aren't signed up I suggest you do so now.
Sometimes, because I love Daily Candy so much, I peruse the website to make sure I haven't missed anything. Sure enough, I happened to miss the opening of a cute boutique store called I'm that Grrrl in the Bishop Arts District in Dallas. The catch? Nothing is over $100. Now that's what I call safe shopping.

In these depressing economic times it's important for any business, in any industry, to let their customers know they're taking extra steps to help them through the tough times. I'm That Grrl will appeal to Dallas shoppers because a.) It's in a trendy new spot, b.) It's swanky and chic, and c.) It's AFFORDABLE. Whether I'm That Grrl will keep prices under $100 forever doesn't matter, it's the fact that they're doing it NOW.
Another example? Across the pond,
Mr. Jimmy Choo is lending his stylistic expertise to the fashionable and affordable H&M clothing store. H&M has teamed up with other well known designers before such as Stella McCartney and Karl Lagerfeld. It just gives me warm fuzzies all over to know that I can shop Jimmy Choo at an affordable, reasonable price. Who knows if H&M will continue to pair up on collections in the future (I hope they do!), but again, it's the fact that they're doing it NOW, with an expensive, famous, couture designer, that makes H&M customers know they're shopping at the right place.
Lesson learned? Adjust for your target customers. They'll appreciate the effort and stay loyal.
Until next time,
Sloane and Chelsea